Saiph Savage


Saiph Savage is an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, where she directs the Northeastern Civic A.I. Lab.
Impact. The impact of Dr. Savage's research has led to her being named one of the 35 innovators under 35 by the MIT Tech Review. Forbes Magazine also named her one of the 20 leaders in the field of AI in Mexico, and she was awarded large grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), including the prestigious NSF Career Grant. Dr. Savage enjoys recognition from UNESCO for having globally one of the most impactful AI research projects. Her work has also won paper awards at top scientific venues in human-computer interaction, including ACM CHI, CSCW, and the Web Conference. The growing public interest in Dr. Savage's research has garnered international press coverage from the BBC, New York Times, The Economist, Deutsche Welle, Vice, Wired, Forbes, and Fortune.

Leadership. Dr. Savage holds several leadership positions: She advises Federal Governments, as well as presidencies in Latin America. She also actively provides input to Senators in the US and Mexico, collaborates with US Federal Judges, the Department of Justice, as well as the Office of the Attorney General in Mexico. She is an expert member within the intergovernmental group representing OECD's Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), especially AI for the future of work. Dr. Savage is a Tech Policy Research Fellow at the Center of Democracy and Technology (CDT) , and the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). she is also an Editor for ACM CSCW, Associate Chair for ACM CHI, Chair in the International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), which was presented in the Noble Prize Summit. She is a member of the ACM SIGCHI committee for Latin America.

Background. Dr. Saiph holds a masters and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She also studied Computer Engineering at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Previously, Dr. Savage was a Google Anita Borg Scholarship Receipient, a tech worker at Intel Labs and Microsoft Bing, as well as a crowd research worker at Stanford. She has worked at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Washington, and West Virginia University (where she designs technology for rural regions.)


Research Papers, Policy Briefs, and Books

A Culturally-Aware AI Tool for Crowdworkers

Carlos Toxtli, Christopher Curtis, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2024.

Designing Sousveillance Tools for Gig Workers

Maya de Los Santos*,Kimberly Do*, Michael Muller, Saiph Savage
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024.

Office-Mind AI: A Generative AI Tool for Gig Workers

Christopher Curtis,Seth Cooper, Saiph Savage
CI: ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2024.

GigSense: An LLM-Infused Tool for Workers' Collective Intelligence

Kashif Imteyaz,Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage
CI: ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2024.

Unveiling AI-Driven Collective Action for a Worker-Centric Future
Saiph Savage
WSDM: ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining 2024.

Generative AI Misinformation in the 2024 Mexican Elections

Claudia Flores-Saviaga Saiph Savage
Series on Generative Artificial Intelligence and Elections.
Eds. Inga Trauthig and Samuel Woolley. Center for Media Engagement 2024.

Mapping the Crowdsourcing Workforce in Latin America and the Caribbean

Gianna Williams, Maya De Los Santos, Alexandra To, Saiph Savage
MEXIHC: Mexican International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2024.

Towards a Human Rights-Centered Artificial Intelligence Policy: Opportunities and Recommendations

Paola Ricaurte, Ulises Cortés, Mariana Diaz, Salma Jalife, Christian Lemaitre, Wanda Muñoz, Tatiana Revilla, Saiph Savage, Margarita Sordo
White Paper for Mexico's Federal Government on an AI Strategy.

Human Computation, Equitable, and Innovative Future of Work AI Tools

Kashif Imteyaz, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage
HCOMP: Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, Workshops 2024.

Framework for Quantifying Fine-Grained Dynamic Cognitive Load Using Wearable Sensing

Ghanahshyam Kshirsagar, Clifton Forlines, Saiph Savage
US Patent Filed 2024.

AI and National Security

Saiph Savage, Gabriela Avila, Norma Elva Chávez, and Martha Garcia-Murillo
Book Chapter in the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence at Work,
Edward Elgar Publisher 2024.

Tools for Crowdworkers Coding Data for AI

Saiph Savage, Martha Garcia
Book Chapter in the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence at Work,
Edward Elgar Publisher 2024.

Remote Possibilities: Where there is a WIL, is there a Way? AI Education for Remote Learners in a New Era of Work-Integrated-Learning

Derek Jacoby, Saiph Savage, Yvonne Coady
AAAI: Spring Symposium on Increasing Diversity in AI Education and Research 2024.

The Disinformers: Social Media, Disinformation, and Elections

Robert Mann, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Jacob Groshek, Itai Himelboim, David Karpf, Yotam Ophir, Josephine Lukito, Jakob Ohme, Golden Richard III, Saiph Savage, Sander Andreas Schwarz, Dror Walter
LSU Press 2024.

Inclusive Portraits: Race-Aware Human-in-the-Loop Technology

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Christopher Curtis, Saiph Savage
EAAMO: ACM Conference on Equity and Access
in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization 2023.

Policy Brief: Investigating and Observing the Global Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Workforce.

GPAI Experts, Saiph Savage
Policy Brief for the Intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s Global Partnernship on AI (GPAI) 2023.

Policy Brief: Generative AI, Jobs, and Policy Response.

GPAI Experts, Saiph Savage
Policy Brief for the Intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s Global Partnernship on AI (GPAI) 2023.

Designing AI Tools to Address Power Imbalances
in Digital Labor Platforms

Carlos Toxtli, Saiph Savage
Book Chapter in Torn Many Ways, Part of the Human–Computer Interaction Book Series, Springer 2023.

La Independiente: An AI-enhanced Platform Co-Designed
with Latin-American Crowdworkers

Maya De Los Santos*, José Emilio García*, Norma Elva Chávez, Alberto Navarrete, Cristina Martínez, Luz Elena González, Tatiana Telles, Paola Ricuarte, Saiph Savage
Advances in Human Computer Interaction, Journal of the Mexican Associacion on
Human-Computer Interaction, 2023.

Why Do We Need to Learn about Citational Practices?
Recognizing Knowledge Production from the Global Souths and Beyond

Amy Ogan, Frederick van Amstel, Gabriela Molina León, Juan Fernando Maestre, Kristin Williams, Nicola J Bidwell, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar,
Saiph Savage, Sushil Oswal, Vishal Sharma
XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 2023.

La Independiente: Designing AI-Enhanced Ubiquitous Systems for Latin American and Caribbean Women Crowdworkers

Maya De Los Santos, Norma Elva Chavez, Alberto Navarrete, Cristina Martinez, Luz Elena Gonzalez, Tatiana Telles, Saiph Savage
ACM Ubicomp for All Symposium 2023.

Fostering Pluralism in Computer Science Research

Kashif Imteyaz, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2023, Workshop.

Analyzing the Future of AI: Balancing Data Protection and Privacy Rights

Saiph Savage
Chapter for a Book from Mexico’s National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), 2023.

CANDLE: Collaboration of Humans and Learning Algorithms for
Data Labeling

Dmitry Ustalov, Saiph Savage, Niels van Berkel, Yang Liu
WSDM: ACM International Web Seach and Data Mining Conference 2023.

The Global Care Ecosystems of 3D Printed Assistive Devices

Saiph Savage, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Rachel Rodney, Liliana Savage,
Jon Schull, Jennifer Mankoff
TACCESS: ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 2022.

Datavoidant: An AI System for Addressing Data Voids on Social Media

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Shangbin Feng, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2022.

REGROW: Reimagining Global Crowdsourcing for Better Human-AI Collaboration

Andy Alorwu, Saiph Savage, Niels van Berkel, Dmitry Ustalov, Alexey Drutsa,
Jonas Oppenlaender, Oliver Bates, Danula Hettiachchi
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022.

Designing AI for Latinas

Saiph Savage, Ivonne Muñoz, Norma Elva Chavez
Book Chapter in FEMINIST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Towards a Research Agenda
for Latin America and the Caribbean, f <A+I>r Feminist AI Research Network 2022.

A Digital Bill of Rights, Developers’ Code of Conduct, and Information Governance Principles for a Healthier Digital World

Laura K. Donohue, Saiph Savage, and high-level Task Force members involving Federal Judges, Department of Justice, Congress Women, and Senior Researchers from the US Federal Communications Commission, White Paper for Georgetown Law’s Center On National Security 2022

An Unrepresentative Democracy: How Disinformation and Online Abuse Hinder Women of Color Political Candidates in the United States

Dhanaraj Thakur, Michal Luria, DeVan L. Hankerson, and Saiph Savage
White Paper for the Center of Democracy and Technology (CDT) 2022.

Multi-stakeholder Experts Group Report on the Future of Work

Saiph Savage, with experts from the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI).
White paper for the OECD 2022.

Quantifying the Invisible Labor in Crowd Work

Carlos Toxtli, Siddharth Suri, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2021.
🏆 Impact Award.

The Expertise Involved in Deciding which HITs are Worth Doing on Amazon Mechanical Turk

Benjamin Hanrahan, Anita Chen, Jiahua Ma, Ning Ma, Anna Squicciarini, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2021.

Research Methods to Study & Empower Crowd Workers

Saiph Savage, Carlos Toxtli, Eber Betanzos
Book Chapter in Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization,
Oxford University Press 2021.

Flexible Work and Personal Digital Infrastructures

Mohammad H Jarrahi, Newlands, G., Butler, B., Saiph Savage,
Lutz, C., Dunn, M., Sawyer Steven.
CACM: Communications of the ACM 2021.

A National Cloud for Conducting Disinformation Research at Scale

Saiph Savage, Cristina Martinez, Claudia Flores-Saviaga
Policy Brief for the Federation of American Scientists 2021.

Goodbye, Parler! A Story about Digital Platforms and Alt-Tech
Pepe Flores, Saiph Savage, Shannon Biega, Vladimir Beciez

Animal Politico Essay 2021.

For a Decentralised Global Disinformation Research Cloud

Saiph Savage, Cristina Martinez, Ishan Sharma, Victor Storchan
Journal Grand Continent 2021.

Fighting Disaster Misinformation in Latin America:The #19S Mexican Earthquake Case Study

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage
Springer Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2021

How to Apply Artificial Intelligence to Streamline Government Procedures?

Saiph Savage, Norma Elva Chávez, Saúl Esparza, Diego Flores,
Shazia Ansari, Alexandre Turcotte, Homero Piedra
White Paper for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 2021.

A Transformation with Artificial Intelligence

Africa Sahara, Saiph Savage
Audio Book, Published by Beek 2021.

Uniting the Invisible Global Workers behind our A.I. Industry

Carlos Toxtli, Anastasia Lucas, Eeshani Mondal, Dmitry Ustalov, Saiph Savage,
CSCW'21 Workshop: The Global Labours of AI and Data Intensive Systems

Diseñando Asistentes Virtuales Inteligentes para el Gobierno Federal

Saul Esparza, Norma Elva Chavez, Diego Flores, Fabian Mediana, Saiph Savage
CSCW Workshop Paper in the Civic Technologies Workshop 2021.

A Large Scale Data Analysis of Gender Based Political Violence

Cecilia Delgado, Luz Elena González, Cristina Martínez, Saiph Savage
White Paper for the United Nations and Facebook 2021.

Becoming the Super Turker:
Increasing Wages via a Strategy from High Earning Workers

Saiph Savage, Chun-Wei Chiang, Susumu Saito, Carlos Toxtli, Jeffrey Bigham
WWW: The Web Conference 2020

Cyberbullying in Mexico

Saiph Savage, Norma Elva Chavez, Gabriela Huerta
Book Chapter in Examining Internet and Technology around the World,
Global Viewpoints 2020.

Reputation Agent: Prompting Fair Reviews in Gig Markets

Carlos Toxtli, Angela Richmond-Fuller, Saiph Savage
WWW: The Web Conference 2020

The Challenges of Crowd Workers in Rural and Urban America

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Yuwen Li, Benjamin Hanrahan, Jeffrey Bigham, Saiph Savage
HCOMP: AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing 2020

Solidarity and A.I. for Transitioning to Crowd Work during COVID-19

Saiph Savage, Mohammad H Jarrahi
The New Future of Work Symposium 2020

Citizens as More Than Sensors, Citizens as Agents for Change

Saiph Savage
WWW: The Web Conference 2020

Enabling Expert Critique at Scale with Chatbots and Micro-Guidance

Carlos Toxtli, Saiph Savage
ACHI: Advances in Computer-Human Interactions 2020

Reciprocal Research: Providing Value in Design Research from the Outset in the Rural United States

Benjamin Hanrahan, Ning Ma, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
ICTD:Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development 2020

Predicting the Working Time of Microtasks Based on Workers' Perception of Prediction Errors

Susumu Saito, Chun-Wei Chiang, Saiph Savage, Jeffrey Bigham
Journal of Human Computation 2020

Meta-Gig: Empowering Anyone to Create Crowd Marketplaces

Carlos Toxtli, Saiph Savage
Avances en Interacción Humano Computadora 2020.

Understanding Knowledge Production for NGOs with
Paid Crowd Workers and Online Volunteers

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Ricardo Granados, Liliana Savage,
Lizbeth Escobedo, Saiph Savage
Avances en Interacción Humano Computadora 2020.

Spanish-Language COVID Fact-Checking Spun for Political Purposes

Saiph Savage, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Rafael Morales, Esteban Ponce de León,
White Paper for the Atlantic Council 2020

Understanding the Threats and Consequences of Computational Propaganda on Native Americans

Amy Ruckes, Norma Elva Chavez, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage,
White Paper for Mexico's Electoral Institute 2020

Using Smart Contracts for Governance and Identity

Alberto Garcia, Cameron Dennis, Norma Elva Chavez, Amy Ruckes,
Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
FAB'20: Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain 2020

Integrating Culture Theory and HCD to Design
Global Government Interfaces

Anqui Cao, Antonio Aranda-Eggermont, Mojin Yu, Patriya Wiesmann, Stephanie Blucker, Shazia Ansari, Diego Flores, Fabian Medina, Saiph Savage
CSCW Workshop Paper in the Civic Technologies Workshop 2020.

Exploitation of Native American Social Media for Political Propaganda

Amy Ruckes, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage,
41st American Indian Workshop 2020

Virtual Assistant for Latinas Experiencing Domestic Violence

Liliana Savage, Luis Cervantes, Xue Chen, Ricardo Granados, Saiph Savage
CSCW Workshop Paper in the Civic Technologies Workshop 2020.

Turker Tales: Integrating Tangential Play into Crowd Work

Anna Kasunik, Chun-Wei Chiang, Geoff Kaufman, Saiph Savage
DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2019

Audience and Streamer Participation at Scale on Twitch

Claudia Flores Saviaga, Jessica Hammer, Juan Pablo Flores, Saiph Savage
HT: ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2019

TurkScanner: Predicting the Hourly Wage of Microtasks

Susumu Saito, Chun-Wei Chiang, Saiph Savage, Jeffrey Bigham
WWW: The Web Conference 2019
Honorable Mention 🏆

Deploying Real World Blockchain Systems

Chun Wei Chiang, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
Journal of Cyberspace Studies 2019.

BOTS: For Building a Better Society?

Liliana Savage, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
Book Chapter for CIDOB International Yearbook 2019.

Understanding the Crowd Markets that Workers and Requesters Imagine

Carlos Toxtli, Juan Pablo Castillo, Alberto Campos, et al. Saiph Savage
CI: ACM Conference on Collective Intelligence 2019

Anti-LatinX: Computational Propaganda in the US

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage
Institute of the Future White Paper 2019.

Native Americans and the Threat of Computational Propaganda

Amy Ruckes, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
White Paper for the Atlantic Council 2019.

Unraveling the Operations in Latin America of the Russian
State-Controlled International Television Network (RT).

Liliana Savage, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage
White Paper for the London School of Economics 2019.

Org-scale analytics: Today's startups build societies. Do it right.

Seth Frey, Grace Benefield, Clark Bernier, Maarten Bos, Ceren Budak, Simon DeDeo, Rosta Farzan, Benjamin Mako Hill, Abigail Jacobs, Saiph Savage, Aaron Shaw
Towards Data Science Journal 2019

Blockchain for Governance and Civic Participation in Mexico.

Liliana Savage, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
White Paper 2019.

Worker Demographics and Earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk: An Exploratory Analysis

Kotaro Hara, Kristy Milland, Benjamin Hanrahan,
Chris Callison-Burch, Abigail Adams, Saiph Savage, Jeffrey Bigham.
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019

Crowd Coach: Peer Coaching for Crowd Workers' Skill Growth

Chun-Wei Chiang, Anna Kasunic, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2018.

The Social Roles of Bots: Evaluating Impact of Bots on
Discussions in Online Communities

Joseph Seering, Juan Pablo Flores, Saiph Savage, Jessica Hammer
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2018.

Mobilizing the Trump Train: Understanding Collective Action
in a Political Troll Community

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Brian Keegan, Saiph Savage
ICWSM: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 2018

A Data-Driven Analysis of Workers’ Earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk

Kotaro Hara, Abigail Adams, Kristy Milland, Saiph Savage, Chris Callison-Burch, Jeffrey Bigham
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018
Honorable Mention (Top 5% of all CHI Papers) 🏆

Crowdsourcing the Installation and Maintenance of Indoor Localization Infrastructure to Support Blind Navigation

Cole Gleason, Dragan Ahmetovic, Saiph Savage, Carlos Toxtli, Carl Posthuma, Chieko Asakawa, Kris Kitani, Jeffrey Bigham
UbiComp Journal: ACM Journal on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2018

Blockchain for Trustful Collaborations between Immigrants and Governments

Chun-Wei Chiang, Eber Betanzos, Saiph Savage
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018

Enabling Expert Critique with Chatbots and Micro Guidance

Carlos Toxtli, Joel Chan, Walter S. Lasecki, Saiph Savage
CI: ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2018

Crowd Work on a CV? Understanding How AMT Fits into Turkers' Career Goals and Professional Profiles

Anna Kasunic, Chun Wei Chiang, Geoff Kaufman, Saiph Savage
CI: ACM Collective Intelligence Conference 2018

User Experiences with Traditional and 3D-Printed Upper Extremity Prostheses, Development of a Comprehensive Survey Instrument

Goeran Fiedler, Jennifer Mankoff, Sydney Eckert, Chelsea Ngo, Saiph Savage
Canadian Prosthetics and Orthotics Journal 2018

Designing Blockchain Technology to Transform Rural Communities

Chun-Wei Chiang, Eber Betanzos, Michael Austin, Saiph Savage
Workshop CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018

Detecting and Counter-Attacking Online Radicalization and Cyberwars

Saiph Savage, Eber Betanzos
POST 2018 (DOD Funding conference)

Subcontracting Microwork

Meredith Ringel Morris, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Robin Brewer, Jonathan Bragg, Anand Kulkarni, Jessie Li, and Saiph Savage
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017

The Effects of ``Not Knowing What You Don't Know'' on Web Accessibility for Blind Web Users

Jeffrey Bigham, Irene Lin, Saiph Savage
ASSETS: ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility 2017

Audience Participation Games: Blurring the Line Between Player and Spectator

Joseph Seering, Saiph Savage, Michael Eagle, Joshua Churchin, Rachel Moeller, Jeffrey Bigham, Jessica Hammer
DIS: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2017

Understanding Mobile Money Perceptions of Latin American Migrants

Chun-Wei Chiang, Claudia Flores Saviaga, Eduardo Jr Arenas, Felipe Colin, Mario Romero, Cuauhtemoc Rivera-Loaiza, Norma Elva Chavez and Saiph Savage
Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2017

On How Deaf People Might Use Speech to Control Devices

Jeffrey Bigham, Raja Kushalnagar, Ting-Hao K. Huang, Karen Kim, Juan Pablo Flores, Saiph Savage
ASSETS: ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility 2017

Automated Assistants to Identify and Prompt Action on Visual News Bias

Vishwajeet Narwa, Mohamed Hashim Salih, Jose Angel Lopez, Angel Ortega, John o'Donovan, Tobias Hollerer, and Saiph Savage
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017

CHI-nnabis: Implications of Marijuana Legalization for and from Human-Computer Interaction

Brian C. Keegan, Jofish Kaye, Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Munmun de Choudhury, Dong Nguyen, Michael J. Paul, and Saiph Savage
CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017

Social Media, Civic Engagement, and the Slactivism Hypothesis:
Lessons from Mexico's "El Bronco"

Phil Howard, Saiph Savage, Claudia Saviaga, Carlos Toxtli, Andres Monroy-Hemández
Journal Of International Affairs 2016

Botivist: Calling Volunteers to Action Using Online Bots

Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Tobias Hollerer
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2016

Bring on Board New Enthusiasts! A Case Study of Impact of Wikipedia Art + Feminism Edit-a-thon Events on Newcomers

Rosta Farzan, Saiph Savage, Claudia Flores-Saviaga
SocInfo: 8th International Conference on Social Informatics 2016

Innovations in Autonomous Systems: Challenges and Opportunities for Human-Agent Collaboration

Lia Emanuel, Joel Fischer, Wendy Ju, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2016

How To Think About Bots

Sam Woolley, danah boyd, Gilad Lotan, Gilad Rasner, Samantha Shorey, Alexis Lloyd, Luis Daniel Palacios, Saiph Savage, Meredith Broussard, Madeline Clare Elish, Lainna Fader, Tim Hwang
Vice Magazine

BotViz: Data Visualizations for Collaborations With Bots and Volunteers

Carlos Toxtli, Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Flor Aguilar, Alejandra Monroy, William Dai, Juan Pablo Flores, Nedda Amini, Jeerel Herrejon, Shloka Desai, Norma Elva Chavez, Saiph Savage
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2016

Tag Me Maybe: Perceptions of Public Targeted Sharing on Facebook

Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez,Kasturi Bhattacharjee, Tobias Hollerer.
Hypertext:26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2015

LeadWise: Using Online Bots to Recruite and Guide Expert Volunteers

Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Saiph Savage, Dario Taraborelli
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2016

Participatory Militias: An Analysis of an Armed Movement's Online Audience.

Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez.
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2015

Political Bots and the Manipulation of Public Opinion in Venezuela

Michelle Forelle, Phil Howard, Andres Monroy-Hernandez, Saiph Savage.
arXiv 2015

Daemo: a Self-Governed Crowdsourcing Marketplace

Stanford Research Collective, Saiph Savage, Michael Bernstein.
UIST: ACM Conference on User Interface Software and Technology 2015

Motivating Crowds to Volunteer Neighborhood Data

Nataly Moreno, Saiph Savage, Anamary Leal, Jessica Cornick, Matthew Turk, Tobias Hollerer.
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2015

Participatory Stoves: Designing Renewable Energy Technologies for the Rural Sector

Walter Angel, Saiph Savage, Nataly Moreno.
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2015

Visualizing Targeted Online Audiences

Saiph Savage, Angus Forbes, Carlos Toxtli, Grant McKenzie, Shloka Desai, Tobias Hollerer.
COOP: Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems 2014: Springer

The "Courage For” Facebook Pages: Advocacy Citizen Journalism in the Wild.

Saiph Savage, Andres Monroy-Hernandez.
C+J:Computation+Journalism Symposium 2014. American Journalism Review.

FiberKraft: An Interface for Designing Optical Fiber Networks

Julio Cruz, Hugo Estrada, Saiph Savage, Norma Elva Chavez.
ENC: Encuentro Nacional de Ciencias de la Computacion 2014

I'm Feeling LoCo: A Location Based Context Aware Recommendation System.

Norma Saiph Savage, Maciej Baranski, Norma Elva Chavez, Tobias Hollerer.
LBS: International Symposium on Location-Based Services. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer

Crowdsourcing Volunteers

Shloka Desai, Luis Rodriguez, Saiph Savage, Norma Elva Chavez, Angus Forbes.
SoCal CWIC: Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California 2014.

Socially and Contextually Appropriate Recommendation Systems

Saiph Savage, Lama Nachman, Saurav Sahay, Giuseppe Raffa.
U.S. Patent Disclosure, Filed 2014

Online Social Persona Management

Saiph Savage, Rita Wouhaybi, Lama Nachman, Saurav Sahay.
U.S. Patent Disclosure, Filed 2013

Traversing Data Using Data Relationships

Saiph Savage, Rita Wouhaybi.
U.S. Patent Disclosure, Filed 2013

Utilizing Crowdsourced Databases for Social Media Question Asking

Saiph Savage, Angus Forbes, Rodrigo Savage, Tobias Hollerer, Norma Elva Chavez.
CSCW: Workshop on Social Media Question Asking at ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2013

Directed Social Queries with Transparent User Models

Saiph Savage, Angus Forbes, Rodrigo Savage, Tobias Hollerer, Norma Elva Chavez.
UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 2012

Visualizing and Verifying Directed Social Queries

Angus Forbes, Saiph Savage, Tobias Hollerer.
InfoVis: IEEE Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics at IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2012

Search on the Cloud File System

Rodrigo Savage,Tania Nava, Norma Elva Chavez, Norma Saiph Savage.
PDCS: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems Conference 2011

Nintendo Wiimote for Arm and Wrist Therapy in Stroke Survivors with Upper Extremity Hemipariesis

Ron S. Leder, Gil Azcarate, Rodrigo Savage, Saiph Savage, L. Enrique Sucar, David Reinkensmeyer, Carlos Toxtli, Emilio Roth, Ariel Molina.
IEEE Virtual Rehabilitation 2008

A Social Crowd-Controlled Orchestra

Saiph Savage, Norma Elva Chavez, Carlos Toxtli, Salvador Medina, David Alvarez, Tobias Hollerer.
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2013

Enchantment Under the Sea: An Intelligent Environment for User Friendly Music Mixing

Norma Elva Chavez, Rodrigo Savage, Tania Nava, Saiph Savage.
IE: International Conference on Intelligent Environments 2012

Never Alone:A Crowdbased Interactive Musical Interface.

Norma Elva Chavez, Rodrigo Savage, Saiph Savage.
SoCal CWIC: Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California 2012

Mmmmm:A multi-modal mobile music mixer

Norma Saiph Savage, Reza Ali, Norma Elva Chavez, Rodrigo Savage.
NIME: Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2010

Frequent trajectory mining on GPS data.

Norma Saiph Savage, Shoji Nishimura, Norma Elva Chavez, and Xifeng Yan.
LocWeb: ACM Workshop on Location and the Web, at the Internet of Things, 2010.

Right place at the right time: novel place recommendation system

Norma Elva Chávez, Saiph Savage, Rodrigo Savage.
IX Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, Cuernavaca, México.